Until recently I can't really remember a time in my adult life when I wasn't destroying my own potential and poisoning myself by my own hand. My main addiction was to mary-jane and I would smoke her for breakfast, brunch, lunch, dinner and then for desert too. I'd drink beer until I got fed up of having to go to the bathroom every 5 minutes, pop pills to give me the confidence I felt I needed to hit a dance floor, and snort the incredibly expensive booger sugar in an attempt to feel like the movie stars. My life wasn't really going as planned and I had this nagging feeling that despite being 32 years of age I wasn't actually in control of my behaviour. I tried countless times to alter my approach to my various forms of self-destruction, replacing this addiction for that one, but each time I seemed to end up exactly where I started. That's when I came across the concept of self-sabotage.
We all self-sabotage. When we do it, it means we're working as designed. Self-sabotage is when we decide to trim our own tall poppy and hold ourselves back from becoming our best selves. Now why would anyone choose to do that? Well it turns out it can be accomplished both consciously and unconsciously. If I had given my prefrontal cortex a chance to function properly instead of regularly hot-boxing my own cranium, perhaps all this would have been far more obvious to me at an earlier stage, but hey, better late than never. Nonetheless my brain eventually lovingly directed me to this information and revealed to me that my behaviours were actually programs that had been installed into my subconscious mind.
If there's such a thing as human nature, it would be that we're all programmable. It’s said that the average person is involved in only 3-7% of their daily decisions, as the other 93-97% come from their programs. Our body likes efficiency, and it needs its scripts and guidelines to navigate the world on a daily basis. If there’s a behaviour, action or belief that’s repetitive in our lives, our neurological system can graduate those repetitive patterns into our subconscious mind, where they’ll run on cruise control so that things go down a little smoother in our day to day lives. Imagine if we had to relearn how to walk every single time we got out of bed, it would certainly be much harder to make any positive headway in our life. The walking pattern is repetitive, that repetitive pattern is recognised by our nervous system and then that repetitive daily pattern is something that is downloaded into our subconscious mind in order to run like a perpetual computer program, always operating in the background every second of every day that we’re alive.
Our body is highly evolved in regards to copying, mimicking, emulating and mirroring the repetitive behaviour or themes from its environment, that’s how we as a species have survived this long, *touch wood*. This system of identifying repetitive content and then acting it out subconsciously (which means outside your consciousness awareness) goes on every second of our lives. I think you'll be as surprised as I was to find out how little repetitive content can trigger us to act out that repetitive content in our own environment, without us even knowing that this process is occurring. We only need 2-3 repetitive ideas, themes or patterns, occurring inside our current environment, for us to adopt that idea, theme and pattern into our own set of behaviours and beliefs.
Below is a 6-minute video to see all this occurring in real time. In this clip we have a man who knows how this behaviour system works. He uses this information to mind control 3 other people, who have no idea how this internal computer operating system works inside their own bodies. It’s beyond entertaining and borders on what most people would call magic.
So are our behaviours and decisions really organic to us? Are we really in control of them or is this not the case whatsoever? Oddly enough, programs like this (that manufacture our repetitive behaviours, beliefs, ideas etc) can also affect us in very negative ways, if the repetitive cues in our environment are negative. Us programmable humans will copy the most repetitive messaging or patterns of behaviour in our environment as our subconscious mind classifies these observed behaviours as the safest behaviours for us to act out. It was with this new understanding of the basic principles of how our subconscious mind works that I realised in order to change my life, I needed to change my programming.
So if you're having a hard time in life health wise, financially, relationship wise or just generally dismantling yourself as an Olympic sport (which can obviously be very frustrating), it’s most likely (almost 100% guaranteed) that this mimicking effect is in play. The beautiful part of understanding why we self-sabotage and burn our own lives down is knowing that we can finally start recognising that it’s not our fault, and reprogram at anytime. Taking in repetitive negative and disempowering content will always reprogram us in negative and disempowering ways. This is how we’re all designed and the ruling class makes sure that everything we see and hear is an all you can eat buffet of negative fear-based content, each and every day, in order that our disempowered asses are easier to push around all over their monopoly board. Most people are messy today and that’s because it’s all one big agenda, those in charge maintain their power by destroying ours. You can’t get this many people setting themselves on fire (with no end in sight) without something extremely nefarious being in motion, but that's another blog.
It's been 11 months since I have replaced the negative behaviours programmed into my subconscious mind with positive ones. I am free from addiction and I have never felt more in control of my own life, I have stepped down from the throne in the kingdom of self-sabotage and I am excited to help others to do the same. It's much easier than you would ever believe. We can either struggle to stay put or we can struggle to improve, the choice is ours to make. Are your behaviours taking you where you want to go in life?
Stay tuned for more blog posts where I'll go into more detail regarding self-sabotage, and Stop Playing Small, my brand new program that aims to help people rediscover the power within them and step into their full potential. Thanks for reading!